Energy utilisation
and sustainability
in food production

Orkídea is a joint venture project to promote innovation and investments in South Iceland in food production and biotechnology. Orkídea is owned by Landsvirkjun Power Company, Association of S-Iceland municipalities, the Agricultural University of Iceland and Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate.

Orkídea focuses on value creation through valorisation of biological renewable resources. We strive to establish strong cross-sectoral collaboration, to address and solve real problems and challenges.

The name Orkídea is derived from the Icelandic word „orka“ (energy) and „ídea“ (idea). South Iceland covers a large area (30966 km2), that consist of 15 municipalities with various resources and options for green energy (geothermal, hydropower). Tourism, food production and services are currently the main occupation in this area.


Managing Director
Sveinn Aðalsteinsson

(+354) 698 9644

Sveinn Aðalsteinsson is Managing Director of Orkídea. He holds a PhD in Plant Physiology and MSc in Business Administration. He has an extensive experience of innovation, research and projects in the field of horticulture in Iceland and Sweden. Additionally, Sveinn has experience in establishing Start-Ups and pitching ideas to investors. Project management in national and international projects including MSCA projects.

Research and Development Manager
Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir

(+354) 698 7739

Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir is Research and Development Manager of Orkídea. She holds a PhD in Food Technology. She has extensive experience of innovation and research in food science and public health. Experience in project management in national and international projects including FP6, FP7, H2020 and MSCA projects.

Project Manager Eco-Industrial Parks
Magnús Yngvi Jósefsson

(+354) 784 2845

Magnús Yngvi Jósefsson is project manager for Eco-Industrial Parks at Orkidea. He holds a PhD in Business and Management. Magnús is a former Research Manager at City of Reykjavik and conducted the work to connect the city to European research and innovation framework by participating in the EU research and innovation program Horizon 2020. Magnús has also been active in research and teaching in the United Kingdom and in Switzerland.

Our collaborators in national
and international projects

Our contribution to international project
collaboration e.g. EU projects

How do we promote innovation in food production and biotechnology in South Iceland?

Orkídea's Gender Equality Plan (GEP)

Our Gender Equality Plan is available here

Want to know more?

Send us an email or phone us:

Sveinn: Mobile: +354 698 9644

Helga: Mobile: +354 698 7739

Magnús: Mobile: +354 784 284