Terraforming LIFE
Terraforming Life miðar að því að þróa nýja aðferð til að framleiða áburð og lífgas úr þeim lífræna úrgangi sem fellur til við fiskeldi á landi og úr landbúnaði. Verkefnið er samstarfsverkefni First Water, Bændasamtaka Íslands, Orkideu, Ölfus Cluster, SMJ frá Færeyjum og Blue Ocean Technology frá Noregi og hlaut styrk frá Umhverfis- og loftslagsáætlun Evrópusambandsins.
Framtíðin í landbúnaði veltur á framþróun í umhverfismálum. Með samvinnu og nýsköpun getum við tryggt sjálfbæra framtíð landbúnaðar.
About the project
Terraforming LIFE's objective is to design and develop new technologies and methods to create an Integrated Agriculture Aquaculture system where aquaculture, agriculture farmers, and agriculturists are at the heart of a circular economy.
While making fertilizer as superfood for mother earth the whole project will have powerful and positive impact on numerous environmental issues.
A combination of processed sludge and animal manure will be transported by a mobile treatment unit to a bio-fertilizer plant. It will be boosted with digestate from any dead-fish that unavoidably perish during the rearing, and eventually dried to create a powerful natural fertilizer and biogas.
This project optimizes a new water recycling technology (Sideflow), complementary to the “Flow-Through System with Reuse” (FTS-R) aquaculture system.
Both CAPEX and OPEX will be below any other high-tech aquaculture system while maximising the amount of nutrients of fish sludge.
A circular economy around land- based salmon farming. From fish sludge and cow and pig manure to fertiliser and bio-fuel.
Farmers Association
The Icelandic Farmers’ Association is an advocate for Icelandic farmers and protects and promotes agricultural stakeholders´ interests in every respect.
Icelandic Farmers Association holds a pivotal role in orchestrating two key facets of the project: The planning of manure collection and the facilitation of agreements with farmers for the supply of manure.
Beyond the direct involvement in the operational aspects, the Association is committed to oversee the communication and dissemination activities throughout the duration of the project.

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(S) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.