13. maí 2024

Orkídea tekur þátt í tveim viðburðum á Iceland Innovation Week

Orkídea tekur þátt í tveim viðburðum í Nýsköpunarvikunni, Iceland Innovation Week. Viðburðurinn Energy for Innovation er kynning á Orkídeu og systurverkefnunum Eimi, Bláma og Eygló. Bakhjarlar þessa viðburðar samstarfsverkefnanna eru Landsvirkjun og Umhverfis-, orku- og loftslagsráðuneytið. Viðburðurinn fer fram á Flamingo PopUp við Hafnartorg, Geirsgötu 17, og verður miðvikudaginn 15. maí kl 15.15-16.15. Auk bakgrunnskynningar á verkefnunum verður boðið upp á spjall og léttar veitingar.

Auk þess tekur Orkídea þátt í viðburði ESB sendinefndarinnar á Íslandi, Wanna Have Fun(ds) 2.0? sem fer fram fyrir tilstuðlan ESB sendinefndarinnar. Auk kynningar Orkídeu á ESB verkefnum sínum munu Matís og Thor Ice Chilling Solutions kynna sín Evrópuverkefni. Viðburðurinn fer einnig fram á Flamingo PopUp við Hafnartorg, Geirsgötu 17, og verður miðvikudaginn 15. maí kl 9.00-10.00. Auk stuttra kynninga verður boðið upp á kaffi og veitingar.

Hvetjum alla áhugasama til að koma og taka þátt, aðgangur ókeypis!

Í frétt um Energy for Innovation segir:

Learn about energy related innovation at this Iceland Innovation Week standout event, hosted by Landsvirkjun, the Ministry of Environment, Energy, and Climate, Blámi, Eimur, Eygló and Orkídea.
Stop by the Hafnartorg pop up space (behind the Reykjavík Edition Hotel), and meet our experts who are all pioneering joint ventures at the forefront of Iceland’s sustainable energy movement.
The Ministry of Environment, Energy, and Climate and Landsvirkjun, the national power company of Iceland, are the main sponsors for the four collaborative projects.
About the projects:
  • The main goal of the Blámi project is to inspire the development of innovative energy transition projects in the Westfjords.
  • EIMUR focuses on improving geothermal resource utilization and innovation in Northeast Iceland with value creation, sustainability and innovation as a guiding principle.
  • Eygló promotes energy transition, energy efficiency and circular economy in the East region of Iceland.
  • Orkídea promotes innovation and investments in South Iceland in food production and biotechnology.
Gain insights into our projects and learn how they navigate the challenges of energy innovation.
We hope you‘ll join us for an insightful afternoon of exploration, education and connection.

Í frétt ESB sendinefndarinnar segir:

At Wanna have fun(ds)? 2.0 expert innovators will share success stories about how EU funding contributed to their impactful projects and product developments.

As one of Iceland‘s largest investor in innovation and research, the European Union offers many great funding opportunities for ambitious entrepreneurs!

Three successful and innovative companies will share information about their companies and describe how EU funding benefited them and their projects!

Speakers will be:

  • Sveinn Aðalsteinsson, Managing Director at Orkídea
  • Jónas R. Viðarsson, Director of Business and Development at Matís
  • Ester Ósk Pálsdóttir, Project Coordinator at Thor Ice Chilling Solutions

Q&A! Guests will have the opportunities to ask speakers questions and have an informal and relaxed chat about funding opportunities – as well as get some insightful advise.

The EU Delegation will of course offer coffee, tea and some pastries.

Kort af viðburðastöðum IWW:

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